1.3.0 Alpha – final phase of development


    MediaPortal 1.3.0 has entered it’s final phase of development.
    Next week on Friday the 18th, we will have all changes that are part of 1.3.0 Alpha merged with the master and build a team internal test-version.

    If all goes well, then you will be able to download 1.3.0 Alpha one week later on Friday the 25th!

    1.3.0 Alpha brings you some very exciting new features, enhancements and bugfixes. But there is still one more week time to add more!

    However, for that to happen we need the help of our great community. With the Area 51 section in our forums we offer you the exclusive chance to test changes long before they are part of an MediaPortal Alpha version.
    Everyone in the community has the power to speed up the development process of those changes by testing them and provide feedback.

    So with one week development time left, the community can give 1.3.0 Alpha a boost by heading over to the Area 51 section and help us testing the WIP projects.

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    1.3.0 Alpha – final phase of development


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