eWeek reports that “hundreds of millions of users remain at risk” one year after Joshua Drake discovered the Stagefright Android flaw. Slashdot reader darthcamaro writes: A year ago, on July 27, 2015 news about the Android Stagefright flaw was first revealed with the initial reports claiming widespread impact with a billion users at risk. As it turns out, the impact of Stagefright has been more pervasive…over the last 12 months, Google has patched no less than 115 flaws in Stagefright and related Android media libraries. Joshua Drake, the researcher who first discovered the Stagefright flaw never expected it to go this far. “I expected shoring up the larger problem to take an extended and large effort, but I didn’t expect it to be ongoing a year later.” Drake believes targeted attacks use Stagefright vulnerabilities on unpatched systems, but adds that Android’s bug bounty program appears to be working, paying out $550, 000 in its first year. Read more of this story at Slashdot.
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Android Stagefright Bug Required 115 Patches, Millions Still At Risk