Apple Q2 2012: 35.1M iPhones, 11.8M iPads, 4M Macs, and 7.7M iPods



    Apple just released its second quarter financial numbers. Overall hardware sales decreased from its record previous quarter but with the notable exception of the iPods, they’re up from the same quarter a year ago. Apple sold 88% more iPhones in the quarter than it did during the same time last year.

    Besides the huge year-over-year increase of iPhone sales, iPad and Mac sales increased 188% and 7%, respectively. However, the iPod didn’t fare so well: Sales are down 15% over last year’s quarter.

    “We’re thrilled with sales of over 35 million iPhones and almost 12 million iPads in the March quarter,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO said in a release statement today. “The new iPad is off to a great start, and across the year you’re going to see a lot more of the kind of innovation that only Apple can deliver.”

    These numbers are actually down from 1Q2012 where Apple shattered nearly all its previous records. In that period Apple sold 37.04M iPhones, 15.43M iPads, and 5.2M Macs. Even the iPad sold well with 15.4M in sales. But thanks to Apple’s offset financial quarters, this time period included the iPhone 4S launch and holiday sales.

    Read the original post:
    Apple Q2 2012: 35.1M iPhones, 11.8M iPads, 4M Macs, and 7.7M iPods


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