Arkansas Will Pay Up To $1,000 Cash To Kids Who Pass AP Computer Science A Exam


theodp writes: The State of Arkansas will be handing out cash to high school students who pass an Advanced Placement test in computer science. “The purpose of the incentive program is to increase the number of qualifying scores (3, 4, or 5) on Advanced Placement Computer Science A exams, ” explained a press release for the Arkansas Advanced Placement Computer Science A Incentive Program (only 87 Arkansas public school students passed the AP CS A exam in 2016, according to College Board data). Gov. Asa Hutchinson added, “The Arkansas Department of Education’s incentive for high scores on the AP Computer Science A exam is a terrific way to reward our students for their hard work in school. The real payoff for their hard work, of course, is when they show their excellent transcripts to potential employers who offer good salaries for their skills.” The tiered monetary awards call for public school students receiving a top score of 5 on the AP CS A exam to receive $1, 000, with another $250 going to their schools. Scores of 4 will earn students $750 and schools $150, while a score of 3 will result in a $250 payday for students and $50 for their schools. The program evokes memories of the College Board’s Google-funded AP STEM Access program, which rewarded AP STEM teachers with a $100 gift card for each student who received a 3, 4, or 5 on an AP exam. credits were also offered later by tech-bankrolled and Google to teachers who got their students coding. Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Arkansas Will Pay Up To $1,000 Cash To Kids Who Pass AP Computer Science A Exam


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