Average American Cable Subscriber Gets 189 Channels and Views 17


An anonymous reader writes “Nielsen, the company that studies the viewing habits of television viewers, announced its findings in a blog post Tuesday. Since 2008, the number of cable TV channels offered as a bundle rose from 129 to 189 in 2013, but in that time-frame viewers have consistently only watched an average of 17 channels. The data seems to support the notion that consumers are better off subscribing to channels a la carte, but cable companies are of the opinion that ‘the price of cable TV wouldn’t change much if channels were served à la carte because content providers won’t sell the most popular programs to cable companies unless the provider’s other channels are also served up.’ Nielsen concluded in its post that ‘quality is imperative—for both content creators and advertisers’, signaling the possibility that more Americans will cut the cord after realizing that their cable bill has increased in the last few years but their consumption of content hasn’t.” Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Average American Cable Subscriber Gets 189 Channels and Views 17


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