DNA Data From California Newborn Blood Samples Stored, Sold To 3rd Parties


schwit1 writes: “This might come as a surprise to California natives in their 20s and early 30s: The state owns your DNA. Every year about four million newborns in the U.S. get a heel prick at birth, to screen for congenital disorders, that if found early enough, can save their life.” However, when those tests are done, the leftover blood isn’t simply thrown away. Instead, they’re taken to an office building and the DNA data is stored in a database. “It’s a treasure trove of information about you, from the color of your eyes and hair to your pre-disposition to diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer.” And that’s not the end of it: “The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is not the only agency using the blood spots. Law enforcement can request them. Private companies can buy them to do research – without your consent.” Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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DNA Data From California Newborn Blood Samples Stored, Sold To 3rd Parties


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