Hell is about to be unleashed for a very affordable price. Bethesda’s “ultimate” edition of Doom rolls out to PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 with the new 6.66 update . How’s that for a nice, round, hellish number? The update unlocks all the multiplayer DLC for everyone, offers skill-progression Runes in multiplayer and also comes with a new progression system. Instead of random loot unlocks in multiplayer, you’ll get to work toward specific upgrades. Not only that, but you can grab the whole new edition, including the SnapMap level editor and arcade mode , for $14.99. If you just want to try it out, there will be free weekends on each platform this month, as well. The developer also overhauled “most” of the in-game heads-up display, “including better callouts for challenges, awards and scoring.” The new kill card screen should also make it easier to know more about how and why you died, along with who exactly destroyed you. “Players will also discover numerous improvements throughout the menus and user interface, ” writes the developer in a blog post , “including completely revised post-match summaries as well as updates that better illustrate player status in lobbies, highlight the new progression options and status, and better outline weapon, equipment and demon characteristics.” If the $15 price doesn’t convince you to launch yourself into hell, you can give the title a test run for free at 12pm ET on July 20 for Xbox One, 1pm ET on the same day for PC and then at 12pm ET on July 27th for PlayStation players. Via: Polygon Source: Bethesda
‘Doom’ 6.66 unloads a host of hellish updates free of charge