Facebook 'Likes' Aren't Protected Speech


    An anonymous reader writes “In what may win awards for the silliest-sounding lawsuit of the year, a case about whether Facebook ‘likes’ qualify for free speech protection under the First Amendment has ended in a decisive ‘no.’ In the run-up to an election for Sheriff, some of the incumbent’s employees made their support for the challenger known by ‘liking’ his page on Facebook. After the incumbent won re-election, the employees were terminated, supposedly because of budget concerns. The employees had taken a few other actions as well — bumper stickers and cookouts — but they couldn’t prove the Sheriff was aware of them. The judge thus ruled that ‘merely “liking” a Facebook page is insufficient speech to merit constitutional protection. In cases where courts have found that constitutional speech protections extended to Facebook posts, actual statements existed within the record.'”

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    Facebook 'Likes' Aren't Protected Speech


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