An anonymous reader writes: To protect Tor users from FBI hacking tools that include all sorts of Firefox zero-days, the Tor Project started working on a sandboxed version of the Tor Browser in September. Over the weekend, the Tor Project released the first alpha version of the sandboxed Tor Browser. “Currently, this version is in an early alpha stage, and only available for Linux, ” reports BleepingComputer. “There are also no binaries available, and users must compile it themselves from the source code, which they can grab from here.” The report notes: “Sandboxing is a security mechanism employed to separate running processes. In computer security, sandboxing an application means separating its process from the OS, so vulnerabilities in that app can’t be leveraged to extend access to the underlying operating system. This is because the sandboxed application works with its own separate portion of disk and memory that isn’t linked with the OS.” Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Originally posted here:
First Version of Sandboxed Tor Browser Available