Intel and DreamWorks Working On Rendering Animation In Real-Time


    Join Google+ Kenneth May is using Google+. Join Google+ to connect with the people who matter most. Kenneth May Kenneth May – Post date: 2011-11-16 – Public Intel and DreamWorks Working On Rendering Animation In Real-Time PolygamousRanchKid writes “This week while speaking at the Techonomy conference, DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg told audience members that they’d formulated the solution for real-time rendering of animation for video. Katzenberg told the audience that they’d been working hand-in-hand with Intel in order to rewrite their software to take advantage of scalable multi-core processors, this allowing them to achieve advances that will, for lack of a better term, revolutionize the anima…

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    Intel and DreamWorks Working On Rendering Animation In Real-Time


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