Newzbin2 Closes For Good


AlphaWolf_HK writes “Newzbin2, one of the most recognized index sites for usenet, has closed for good. A statement reads: ‘It is with regret that we announce the closure of Newzbin2. A combination of several factors has made this the only option. For a long time we have struggled with poor indexing of Usenet, poor numbers of reports caused by the majority of our editors dropping out & no-one replacing them. Our servers have been unstable and crashing on a regular basis meaning the NZBs & NFOs are unavailable for long periods and we don’t have the money to replace them. To make things worse all our payment providers dropped out or started running scared. The MPA sued Paypal and are going at our innocent payment provider Kthxbai Ltd in the UK. Our other payment provider has understandably lost their nerve. Result? We have no more payment providers to offer & no realistic means of taking money (no, Bitcoin isn’t credible as it’s just too hard for 90% of people).'” Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Newzbin2 Closes For Good


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