One of the bigger complaints levied against the original iPad…


    One of the bigger complaints levied against the original iPad was that, while it was a great device for watching movies or surfing the web, it didn’t do much to “facilitate [content] creation.” Steve Jobs took that criticism to heart, and made apps like Garage Band and iMovie an essential part of the iPad 2.

    Now, a new sketchbook app called Paper is targeting artsy tablet owners. Developed by a team of former Microsoft employees who worked on the company’s once-promising, now-dead Courier dual-screen tablet, Paper allows users to draw in a minimalist, user-friendly interface. Want a thicker line with your fountain pen? Just swipe a little faster. To erase, move two fingers counter-clockwise in a circle. The company touts it as ”the easiest and most beautiful way to create on the new iPad.”

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    One of the bigger complaints levied against the original iPad…


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