CowboyRobot writes with news about a federal initiative to support federated authentication for government services. From the article: “The U.S. Postal Service will be the guinea pig for a White House-led effort to accelerate government adoption of technologies that allow federal agencies to accept third-party identity credentials for online services. The program involves using services … through standards like OpenID rather than requiring users to create government usernames and passwords. … The federated identity effort, known as the Federal Cloud Credential Exchange, is just one piece of a broader Obama administration online identity initiative: the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC), which aims to catalyze private sector-led development of a secure, digital ‘identity ecosystem’ to better protect identities online. … The Postal Service pilot is but one of several different pilots that are part of NSTIC. There are also three cryptography pilots and two non-cryptographic privacy pilots in the works. Each of those pilots is being carried out by multiple private sector organizations ranging from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles to AOL to AARP to Aetna.” Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Original post:
Postal Service Pilots ‘Federal Cloud Credential Exchange’