Programming Languages You’ll Need Next Year (and Beyond)


Nerval’s Lobster writes: Over at Dice, there’s a breakdown of the programming languages that could prove most popular over the next year or two, including Apple’s Swift, JavaScript, CSS3, and PHP. But perhaps the most interesting entry on the list is Erlang, an older language invented in 1986 by engineers at Ericsson. It was originally intended to be used specifically for telecommunications needs, but has since evolved into a general-purpose language, and found a home in cloud-based, high-performance computing when concurrency is needed. “There aren’t a lot of Erlang jobs out there, ” writes developer Jeff Cogswell. “However, if you do master it (and I mean master it, not just learn a bit about it), then you’ll probably land a really good job. That’s the trade-off: You’ll have to devote a lot of energy into it. But if you do, the payoffs could be high.” And while the rest of the featured languages are no-brainers with regard to popularity, it’s an open question how long it might take Swift to become popular, given how hard Apple will push it as the language for developing on iOS. Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Programming Languages You’ll Need Next Year (and Beyond)


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