Scientists Uncover 3,700-Year-Old Wine Cellar


Taco Cowboy writes in with a link about the remnants of some well-aged wine recently uncovered in Israel. “Scientists have uncovered a 3, 700-year-old wine cellar in the ruins of a Canaanite palace in Israel, chemical analysis from the samples from the ceramic jars suggest they held a luxurious beverage that was evidently reserved for banquets. The good stuff contains a blend of ingredients that may have included honey, mint, cedar, tree resins and cinnamon bark. The discovery confirms how sophisticated wines were at that time, something suggested only by ancient texts. The wine cellar was found this summer in palace ruins near the modern town of Nahariya in northern Israel. Researchers found 40 ceramic jars, each big enough to hold about 13 gallons, in a single room. There may be more wine stored elsewhere, but the amount found so far wouldn’t be enough to supply the local population, which is why the researchers believe it was reserved for palace use. The unmarked jars are all similar as if made by the same potter, chemical analysis indicates that the jars held red wine and possibly white wine. There was no liquid left, analysis were done on residues removed from the jars. An expert in ancient winemaking said the discovery ‘sheds important new light’ on the development of winemaking in ancient Canaan, from which it later spread to Egypt and across the Mediterranean.” Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Scientists Uncover 3,700-Year-Old Wine Cellar


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