Shuttleworth Says Snappy Won’t Replace .deb Linux Package Files In Ubuntu 15.10


darthcamaro writes: Mark Shuttleworth, BDFL of Ubuntu is clearing the air about how Ubuntu will make use of .deb packages even in an era where it is moving to its own Snappy (‘snaps’) format of rapid updates. Fundamentally it’s a chicken and egg issue. From the serverwatch article: “‘We build Snappy out of the built deb, so we can’t build Snappy unless we first build the deb, ‘ Shuttleworth said. Going forward, Shuttleworth said that Ubuntu users will still get access to an archive of .deb packages. That said, for users of a Snappy Ubuntu-based system, the apt-get command no longer applies. However, Shuttleworth explained that on a Snappy-based system there will be a container that contains all the deb packages. ‘The nice thing about Snappy is that it’s completely worry-free updates, ‘ Shuttleworth said.” Read more of this story at Slashdot.

More here:
Shuttleworth Says Snappy Won’t Replace .deb Linux Package Files In Ubuntu 15.10


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