Why Rick and Morty is the perfect show for our nihilistic…


Why Rick and Morty is the perfect show for our nihilistic age “Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody’s gonna die, ” 14-year-old Morty tells his sister on Cartoon Network’s Rick and Morty . “Come watch TV.” There’s something about a cartoon world that gives nihilism just the right conditions to flourish. Cartoon characters spend eternity wearing the same clothes, reciting the same catchphrases, and undertaking the same death- and physics-defying adventures. Their lives are pointless, but they don’t seem to know it. In this sense, Rick and Morty, whose two seasons on the air have earned it a dedicated cult following, is both a recognizable descendant of its animated forbears, and a horse of an entirely different color. Rick and Morty’s lives are pointless, and they do know it. Simply put, it’s a show that doesn’t succeed at mimicking real life in cartoon form as much as it does in showing us the cartoonishness of real life.

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Why Rick and Morty is the perfect show for our nihilistic…


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