Wolfram Alpha search engine now tracks flight paths, trajectory informatio


    Join Google+ Kenneth May is using Google+. Join Google+ to connect with the people who matter most. Kenneth May Kenneth May – Post date: 2011-11-19 – Public Wolfram Alpha search engine now tracks flight paths, trajectory information If you’ve ever looked up in the sky and wondered where a plane might be headed, Wolfram Alpha might just know the answer. The search engine, which recently began incorporating data from the FAA can now, with a five-minute delay from real-time data, use a flight’s speed, heading and altitude to offer a projection of a plane’s position. A search for ‘flights overhead’ via the Wolfram Alpha web site or app will use your location to pinpoint flights that should be visible to you. That string curr…

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    Wolfram Alpha search engine now tracks flight paths, trajectory informatio


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