XKCD Author’s Unpublished Book Has Already Become a Best-Seller


destinyland writes “Wednesday the geeky cartoonist behind XKCD announced that he’d publish a new book answering hypothetical science questions in September. And within 24 hours, his as-yet-unpublished work had become Amazon’s #2 best-selling book. ‘Ironically, this book is titled What If?, ‘ jokes one blogger, noting it resembles an XKCD comic where ‘In our yet-to-happen future, this book decides to travel backwards through time, stopping off in March of 2014 to inform Amazon’s best-seller list that yes, in our coming timeline this book will be widely read…’ Randall Munroe’s new book will be collecting his favorite ‘What If…’ questions, but will also contain his never-before published answers to some questions that he’d found ‘particularly neat.'” Read more of this story at Slashdot.

XKCD Author’s Unpublished Book Has Already Become a Best-Seller


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