Holy Cow: Video of Rival Contractors Battling Each Other With Heavy Machinery


This is astonishing. It appears that two rival contracting firms in Hebei Province, China, both showed up with their front-loaders for the same job. Apparently they could not agree on whom the job rightfully belonged to, and then this happened: I love how the machine operator comes in from the left and attempts to raise his fallen comrade. The video, by the way, has been duped at least a dozen times on YouTube, with the words “Bulldozer Battle” in each of the titles. Folks: Bulldozer: Front Loader: I think a bulldozer battle would’ve been far lamer. What we’d like to see next: Some Stegosaurus-like Backhoe action!

See more here:
Holy Cow: Video of Rival Contractors Battling Each Other With Heavy Machinery


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