Britain Shuts Off 750,000 Streetlights With No Impact On Crime Or Crashes


Flash Modin writes: English cities are hard up for cash as the national government dolls out cuts. And in response, the country’s councils — local governing bodies — have slashed costs by turning off an estimated 750, 000 streetlights. Fans of the night sky and reduced energy usage are happy, but the move has also sparked a national debate. The Automobile Association claims six people have died as a direct result of dimming the lights. But a new study released Wednesday looked at 14 years of data from 63 local authorities across England and Wales and found that residents’ chances of being attacked, robbed, or struck by a car were no worse on the darker streets. Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Britain Shuts Off 750,000 Streetlights With No Impact On Crime Or Crashes


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