New effort to fully audit TrueCrypt raises over $16,000 in a few short weeks


For nearly a decade now, TrueCrypt has been one of the trusty tools in a security-minded user’s toolkit. There’s just one problem, though. No one knows who created the software, and worse still, no one has ever conducted a full security audit on it—until now. Since last month, a handful of cryptographers have newly discussed problems and alternatives to the popular application, which lead on Monday to a public call to perform a full security audit on TrueCrypt. As of Tuesday afternoon, that fundraiser reached over $16,000, making a proper check more likely. Much of those funds came from a single $10,000 donation from an Atlanta-based security firm. “We’re now in a place where we have nearly—but not quite enough—to get a serious audit done,” wrote Matthew Green , a  well-known cryptography professor at Johns Hopkins University, on Twitter. Read 3 remaining paragraphs | Comments        

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New effort to fully audit TrueCrypt raises over $16,000 in a few short weeks


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