Red Light Cameras Raise Crash Risk, Cost


concealment writes with news of dissatisfaction with a pilot program for stoplight-monitoring cameras. The program ran for several years in New Jersey, and according to a new report, the number of car crashes actually increased while the cameras were present. “[The program] appears to be changing drivers’ behavior, state officials said Monday, noting an overall decline in traffic citations and right-angle crashes. The Department of Transportation also said, however, that rear-end crashes have risen by 20 percent and total crashes are up by 0.9 percent at intersections where cameras have operated for at least a year. The agency recommended the program stay in place, calling for ‘continued data collection and monitoring’ of camera-monitored intersections. The department’s report drew immediate criticism from Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon, R-Monmouth, who wants the cameras removed. He called the program ‘a dismal failure,’ saying DOT statistics show the net costs of accidents had climbed by more than $1 million at intersections with cameras.” Other cities are considering dumping the monitoring tech as well, citing similar cost and efficacy issues. Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Red Light Cameras Raise Crash Risk, Cost


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