Watch ‘Tomorrow’s World’ show off CGI, 1982 style


These days, CGI is everywhere, but in 1982 it was an emergent technology that signalled a new era for movie makers and broadcasters. Always on the cutting edge of technology at the time, popular BBC show Tomorrow’s World (we miss you, Phillipa!) documented some of the very first machines capable of delivering real-time effects. Back then, turning a 2D image into a three-dimensional cube wasn’t easy, it required a 900lb machine made by Hewlett Packard that relied on effects coded in Pascal. Certainly a far cry from the full-length movies we see being created on Macs today. It’s a nostalgic look back at what older generations would once have considered bleeding edge technology, but also to see how far we’ve come in a few decades. Filed under: Software , Alt Comments Via: Geek

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Watch ‘Tomorrow’s World’ show off CGI, 1982 style


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