​Google wants to sell you your next domain name


Right now, it’s possible to buy a domain name using Google services. You can start the process on Google’s own pages, process the transaction through Google Wallet and manage that domain through Google Apps — but you didn’t actually buy that domain from Google. That’s about to change. Today the search giant announced that it’s testing Google Domains, a registration service that will shift the company away from its dependence on companies like GoDaddy and eNom. Google says it wants to enable a simple and transparent experience, but it’s not quite ready for a full launch just yet — at present the service is only available to a limited group. When it does launch, however, Google says it will have partnerships with several website building partners, including Shopify , Weebly, Squarespace and Wix. Have an idea for a new website? Check out Google Domains at the source link below and request a registration code. Filed under: Internet , Google Comments Via: 9to5 Google Source: Google Domains

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​Google wants to sell you your next domain name


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